Starting June 8th, The Bi-Weekly Vegan Night Market Is Set Return All Summer Long! June 6, 2023 01:01
Join us on Thursday, June 8th from 6-10pm as we welcome back Canada's one and only vegan night market located at The Waldorf Hotel in beautiful Vancouver,BC. TVNM is a bi-weekly outdoor marketplace featuring over 30 plant-based businesses from food trucks to exclusive restaurant pop-ups.
Be sure to check us out summer'23 👇🏽
Thursday, June 8th @ The Waldorf Hotel / 6-10pm
Thursday, June 22nd @ Locarno Beach / 6-10pm
Thursday, July 6th @ The Waldorf Hotel / 6-10pm
Thursday, July 20th @ The Waldorf Hotel / 6-10pm
Thursday, August 3rd @ The Waldorf Hotel / 6-10pm
Thursday, August 17th @ The Waldorf Hotel / 6-10pm
Thursday, August 31st @ Locarno Beach / 6-10pm