I'd like to visit TVNM. What is the address and how do I get there?
The address is 1489 E Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V5L 1S4, located at Clark and Hastings in East Vancouver. Just follow the music and lights, and you won't miss us!Is there parking?
Absolutely! You can find free parking, 2-hour parking, and paid parking directly on Hastings and surrounding streets.How close is the venue to public transit?
Bus routes and the SkyTrain offer convenient access for your commute. Use this link to input your address and find the best route!Are there ATMs?
Yes, we have on-site ATM access.Can I bring my dog/kid?
In the summer, the answer is always yes. For our indoor events, kids and dogs are free to roam our outdoor area. However, we are 19+ inside.What should I bring?
To make your stay at TVNM even better, consider bringing your own cup, container, water bottle, and shopping bags. Be willing to explore the wonders of cruelty-free living and, of course, arrive with an empty tummy!Is there an entrance fee?
Yes, there is a minimal $3 donation for admission, or you can bring canned goods, clothing, or pet food. Children enter for free.